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     “The greatest barrier to the spread of the Gospel may not be the self-indulgent immorality of our culture but the self-sufficient mentality in the church evident in our prayerlessness.”

                - David Platt, President of the International Mission Board of the SBC


What is a PrayerReach Mission Trip

PrayerReach is simply praying in the very place you expect God to work, among the very people you expect God to save. Anyone can do it. There’s no special training or procedures. No mystical wording or incantations. It’s just you talking to God about what you see, hear, smell, feel, and think as you move among the unreached. 

PrayerReach was birthed from real, boots-on-the-ground XMA teams taking the Gospel to some of the most unreached people of our world.  It evolved through our work with missionaries and national believers in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Europe.  PrayerReach does not require an education in theology or religion. Nor is it affiliated with any particular denomination. Not to discount any of these things but I want to clearly communicate that PrayerReach is for regular, everyday Christians who long to answer Christ’s call to, “Follow Me”, but are unsure how. You can request more info about PrayerReach 8-12 day volunteer trips here.

What a PrayerReach Mission Trip is Not

PrayerReach is not some super mystical experience only for the charismatic or saintly, calloused-kneed prayer warrior. It’s about regular, normal believers spending time with the unreached while silently talking to God about what they see, hear, and feel. No canned prayers. No churchy language. No Four Spiritual Laws. No Evangelism Explosion.  The essence of a PrayerReach adventure is private communication between you and God, not public proclamation.

PrayerReach is not a substitute for preaching, evangelism, sharing God’s Word, or acts of mercy. Rather, it is a compliment, often a precursor, to these more direct and open ministries. It prepares the way for verbal proclamation, church planting and humanitarian service.


How and What to Pray

By now you may be thinking this all sounds good, but I’ve never prayed longer than five minutes at one time.  How can I pray all day long?  Don’t worry.  All of us have felt that way.  The free PrayerReach book will show you how anyone can use Breath Prayers and other methods to simply, silently and effectively pray as you move among the unreached.

You may also want to try our FREE Deepen Your Prayer Life online prayer course.  It a safe, easy way to give Prayer Reach a try right from your home or office.   .


Visit XMA’s main site to learn more about who we are and what we do.